How to connect Python & Flask with Yaml and CRUD operations

Did you miss reading our last Blog about Understanding Python Flask and How to connect Python and Flask to a database. ? If yes, please click here to go to our previous blog.

If not, it’s time to get started with our today’s new topic.

Today, we will be doing some cool stuff by integrating a Python Flask + YAML and performing the CRUD ( Create | Read | Update | Delete ) operations. But before we actually jump in, let’s have a glimpse of what is YAML?

Let’s explore Yaml.

Introduction of Yaml

YAML stands for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language”. Huh! The only thing in YAML that nobody can understand, is its Name. Better to call it, “Yet Another Markup Language”.

YAML is a data serialization language, which means a language that helps store complex data structures or data object states in a form that is easy to store, transfer, and most important is human readable.

In short, storing the data in a form that is more convenient to store and easily readable.

YAML is a data serialization language, which means a language that helps store complex data structures or data object states in a form that is easy to store, transfer, and most important is human readable.

In short, storing the data in a form that is more convenient to store and easily readable.

YAML is a data serialization language, which means a language that helps store complex data structures or data object states in a form that is easy to store, transfer, and most important is human readable.

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